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Is 'Caring' one of your brand attributes?

Brand attributes quiz. This quick quiz will help you determine which adjectives you would ascribe to yourself. Your results will be emailed to the address you provide.
First name
Last name
Email address
You always think of others, often before thinking of yourself
AnswerYes No 
You do nice things for people just for the sake of it
AnswerYes No 
You support people when they are down, sick or defeated
AnswerYes No 
You intuitively know what is going on with others even when they don’t tell you
AnswerYes No 
You like words like support, comfort, kindness
AnswerYes No 
You have great empathy
AnswerYes No 
People say you are supportive, thoughtful, considerate, kind
AnswerYes No 
You get great pleasure from knowing that those around you are cared for
AnswerYes No 

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