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Is 'Leader-like' one of your brand attributes?

Brand attributes quiz. This quick quiz will help you determine which adjectives you would ascribe to yourself. Your results will be emailed to the address you provide.
First name
Last name
Email address
You like to take charge in most situations and are frustrated following others’ orders
AnswerYes No 
People look to you before acting on something
AnswerYes No 
You enjoy developing a strategy and vision and abhor tactics
AnswerYes No 
You prefer telling people what to do not how to do it
AnswerYes No 
You enjoy being looked up to
AnswerYes No 
You are confident that your approach to a solution will usually work
AnswerYes No 
You like words like leadership, vision, strategy
AnswerYes No 
You act decisively and just assume people will follow
AnswerYes No 

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