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Is 'Optimistic' one of your brand attributes?

Brand attributes quiz. This quick quiz will help you determine which adjectives you would ascribe to yourself. Your results will be emailed to the address you provide.
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Last name
Email address
You see opportunities where others see challenges
AnswerYes No 
You usually have a smile on your face
AnswerYes No 
You rarely look back with regret, accepting things as they are and pressing on to the future
AnswerYes No 
It’s easy and natural for you to see the bright side of every situation
AnswerYes No 
You have kind words and a smile for everyone you meet
AnswerYes No 
You like words like positivity, opportunity, solution and abhor words like challenge, problem, impossible
AnswerYes No 
Others say you are positive, glass half full, Pollyanna
AnswerYes No 
You prefer to say partly sunny instead of partly cloudy
AnswerYes No 

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