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Is 'International' one of your brand attributes?

Brand attributes quiz. This quick quiz will help you determine which adjectives you would ascribe to yourself. Your results will be emailed to the address you provide.
First name
Last name
Email address
You can speak many languages or have a keen interest in foreign languages
AnswerYes No 
You are fascinated by other cultures and are open to ideas from outside your home country
AnswerYes No 
You know what time it is right now in countries in other time zones
AnswerYes No 
You prefer to travel to foreign countries for vacation
AnswerYes No 
You have friends from many different cultures
AnswerYes No 
You have lived abroad or would like to someday
AnswerYes No 
You enjoy foreign films, ethnic restaurants, world music
AnswerYes No 
Your passport has few pages without stamps in it
AnswerYes No 

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