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Is 'Generous' one of your brand attributes?

Brand attributes quiz. This quick quiz will help you determine which adjectives you would ascribe to yourself. Your results will be emailed to the address you provide.
First name
Last name
Email address
You get more pleasure from giving gifts than from receiving them
AnswerYes No 
You are always thinking of others
AnswerYes No 
People describe you as generous, giving, thoughtful
AnswerYes No 
You give gifts to people just for the sake of it
AnswerYes No 
You enjoy sharing and always offer the last of something to others rather than taking it for yourself
AnswerYes No 
You like words like giving, thoughtful, caring
AnswerYes No 
People, places and things you see always remind you of others
AnswerYes No 
You make time for people even when you are busy
AnswerYes No 

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